Antarctica Insight

▶︎ UK Antarctic Heritage Trust (UKAHT)

We have worked with our good friends at UK Antarctic Heritage Trust since 2019 and have supported the development of a new public engagement programme to build interest, and knowledge around this continent.

▶︎ Image Credit: UKAHT Antarctica Insight

We’ve provided a lot of consultation, some programming and a heap of producing knowledge towards a bold programme in 2020 programme which marked the 200th anniversary of the first sighting of Antarctica. This programme included new works from Marc Rees, Peter Liversidge, Lucy & Jorge Orta and an ongoing Podcast series. We’ve recentlyreengaged with UKAHT to support their future offer - which coincides with the 80th Anniversary of the establishment of Port Lockroy.


▶︎Stepping Out || 101 Outdoor Arts


▶︎ Derbyshire Place Partnership || Local & DCC